Thursday, February 21, 2008


Last week it was reported that the University of Utah fans taunted BYU basketball-player extraordinaire Trent Plaisted with the chant "DUI, DUI!" in reference to Lacy Plaisted's unfortunate run-in with the law (while under the influence of painkillers prescribed to her after a recent knee surgery). At first, I was a little outraged. Then I realized that not only was this not offensive, but this was a way for Ewetes fans to say, "Hey, Trent, you may be a Cougar, but your family is like one of us." Indeed, not only was there no guile in the chant, it was almost as though they were saying, "Lacy, we know soccer didn't work out for you at BYU, but there is always a spot for you on the lady Ewetes' roster."

Lacy's Mug Shot

Give it some thought folks....there are only a few reasons why someone goes to the Ewe to study, and I list them below (in no particular order).

1. You are dumb. So dumb in fact, that you couldn't get into BYU. Not wanting to reveal your stupidity, and to avoid the shame of being at a community college (or even worse, Utah State), you enrolled at the Ewe. Yes, it is true, you tell your friends at the Y that your dad is a big Ewetes fan, but that is just a cover for your shame (and your dad's shame, might I add).

2. You are a closet-LDS alcoholic. Though there is beer in Utah County, there is much more beer in Salt Lake County. Much more. Much, much more. And there is nothing that can get between you and a twelve pack of Polygamy Porter's lager....every night. Sure, you tell Grandma that you're going to institute and that you love your mission prep class, but we know better. You're doing keg stands with your institute teacher's son. And maybe, just maybe, if you polish your skills at bearing false witness you can skirt through your pre-mission interviews. Good luck.

3. You are a gay RM. 'nuff said.

4. You are a raging, deluded, smart-ass anti-Mormon who wants to spend the next four years of his life (and more if you can get into the Ewe's "tough" and "nationally (dis)respected" graduate programs) making it known to the campus just how un-Mormon you are.

5. You got kicked out of BYU, and you're tricking your parents into believing that you are still at the Y by truthfully saying, "I'm in college in Utah."

6. You have a secret man crush on both Alex Smith and Andrew Bogut (and will soon join the category in #3).

So you see, enraged Cougar fans, the Ewete fans were merely extending a hand of fellowship to the Plaisted's....a "welcome to the club" if you will.

Debbie Clemens and HGH


Gotta tell you, it works wonders for both members of the Clemens family.

Man-pris and Manny

Okay, so, I freaking love Manny Ramirez. There is probably no player in the world who can pull all the crap he's pulled in Boston and still be beloved by the fans (because it is just "Manny being Manny"), but my loyalties can only go so far.

Yesterday Manny rolled into town in a White Escalade (which is dope, even if it is the car of choice for soccer moms in Bel-Aire), on time, and from what has been said elsewhere, in great shape. So, why am I so disgusted with Manny? This is why: the dude rolled up in manpris (capris worn by men).

I've spent the last 24 month mocking Rafael Nadal for being the most sexually confused tennis player in the world based solely on his inexplicable donning of the most effeminate below-the-waste apparel known to man. Manny, please, ditch the manpris. Next thing you know you'll be wearing face moisturizer and picking your ass as part of your pre-serve routine (referencing Nadal).

For the love of all holy, go to Sports Authority, go the the men's department, and buy some freaking Addidas short (with some manly UnderArmour for good measure).