Friday, April 20, 2007

It's Like Deja Vu all Over Again!

Another blown save against the Sox! Are we seeing a legend crumble before our very eyes?? Like Jordan in a Wizards uni? For the love of all holy I hope so. I can respect Mariano Rivera for all that he has done and the fashion in which he plays the game, but there is nothing more that I like to see than a MO BLOW!

Check out this stat line: 2 Blown Saves, 1 win, 2 losses, 0 save, 8.44 ERA and a partridge in a pear tree.

I was a little surprised that Torre brought Rivera in in the eighth...who does Torre think Rivera is....JONATHAN PAPELBON??
For the sake of fairness, let's take a peek at Pap's state line (for comparison purposes only, of course.
4 Saves, O Blown Saves, 3 BBs, 11Ks, and a 0.00 ERA (That's...count 'em...three goose eggs).

I know it is early, but all of a sudden it looks like the Sox have the advantage over the Yankees when it comes to the bullpen. After all those years of being a closer away from being the better team, it looks as though Papelbon may be to us what Mo was to them.

Speaking of Dejavu, I couldn't help but think of Luis Gonzalez' game-winning bloop single against Mo in Game 7 of the '01 World Series. Runner on third, infield in...a bloop over Jeter's head.

...O' Captain my Captain!!! The slumping (offensively) Jason Varitek busted out of a slump going 3-4 with a homer 3 RBI. Atta' Boy 'Tek! Of course, his real value is what he does with the pitchers, but it's nice to see him swing the bat like in times past.

And lastly...our gift from the Far East...and I ain't talkin' 'bout Dice-K...Let's give it up for Hideki Okajima! After watching his first pitch sail out of the park in KC, I was a little worried that this little man's sole value would be in helping Dice-K adjust to a new country and culture. Since then, he's been rock let's give it up for Okajima! (Could we have a new set-up man emerging from the 'pen?)

HUGE WIN....a great victory after the Boston Massacre...Schill didn't bring his best stuff, but AROD is on a tear....AND IT STILL WASN'T ENOUGH!
Momma get out the broom...cuz I smell a sweep!!

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